To generate a quote which returns the current price for an order based on the order details provided. The price quoted is only relevant at the time it is requested.
Body Params
"clientId": "{{your clientId}}", // required
"containsAlcohol": false, // required
"deliveryWindowEndTime": '2023-03-29T18:29:26.440Z', // required
"deliveryWindowStartTime": "'2023-03-29T14:29:26.440Z'", // required
"dropoffInfo": {
"dropoffAddress": {
"addressLine1": "2201 N Field St",
"addressLine2": "",
"city": "Dallas",
"state": "TX",
"zipCode": "75201",
"country": "US"
"dropoffContact": {
"firstName": "John",
"lastName": "Doe",
"phone": "1234567890"
"dropoffInstruction": "Ring the bell once you are at dropoff",
"dropoffLocation": {
"latitude": 32.78672695,
"longitude": -96.80663445
"isUnattended": true,
"signatureRequired": true
"externalDeliveryId": "7501192713442_1", // required
"externalOrderId": "868c9d93-18fe-4161-b6c5-5d0f4cc23cc5", // required
"externalStoreId": "2612", // required
"isAutonomousDelivery": false, // required
"orderInfo": {
"barcodeInfo": [
"barcode": "Q12345"
"barcode": "Q12346"
"orderLineItems": [
"quantity": 2,
"orderedWeight": 2.2,
"uom": "LB",
"height": 2.3,
"width": 1.2,
"length": 3.2,
"uomDimension": "FT"
"name": "Product Name",
"description": "Product Description",
"photoUrl": "Photo URL",
"quantity": 1,
"orderedWeight": 3.1,
"uom": "LB",
"height": 1.1,
"width": 1.8,
"length": 4.2,
"uomDimension": "FT"
"totalWeight": 64,
"totalVolume": 2.7799999713897705,
"totalQuantity": 20
"pickupInfo": {
"pickupAddress": {
"addressLine1": "1717 N Harwood St",
"addressLine2": null,
"city": "Dallas",
"state": "TX",
"zipCode": "75201",
"country": "US"
"pickupContact": {
"firstName": "Your Store Name",
"lastName": "Store number:5023",
"phone": "1234567890"
"pickupInstruction": "Follow orange 'Pickup' signs in parking lot. Park and wait in any 'Reserved Pickup Parking' spot",
"pickupLocation": {
"latitude": 32.78783105,
"longitude": -96.80133688
"signatureRequired": true
"pickupWindowEndTime": '2023-03-29T18:29:26.440Z', // required
"pickupWindowStartTime": '2023-03-29T14:29:26.440Z', // required
"storeName": "Your Store Name",
"tip": 99.00,